24-10-2024 New Release Plan for ‘Funkadelic’!
Dear Funky Family,
First of all, I want to send a huge thank you for your incredible support throughout the Funkadelic Europe tour and beyond. Because of you, I’ve been able to release 4 out of the 6 songs from the album on Bandcamp. Every bit of crowdfunding went directly into the producing, recording, studio rentals, and paying the talented musicians and engineers who helped bring this project to life.
However, I’m facing a slight delay in the full album release as I work to generate the funds needed for the final mixing, mastering, and pressing costs. Doing this project independently has meant adjusting plans as I go, but I’m staying focused on delivering something truly special.
Here’s the exciting part: I’m in the final stages of completing the last 2 tracks with my producers, and we’re aiming to release the full album in March 2025 on all major platforms. While I’m currently out of money for the physical copies, I’m working hard to find an affordable way to get them pressed. But don’t worry – I’ll make sure you all get the album digitally, no matter what. I’ll keep you posted on how things are going with the physical release.
If you can’t wait to hear the new music, you can pre-listen and download the songs on Bandcamp here: https://roseandthebass.bandcamp.com/
Your support means the world to me. Thank you for being with me on this journey
With love and funky vibes, Rose & The Bass

New singles released for the new album ‘Funkadelic’. You can listen to them and get a copy now via Bandcamp: ROSE & THE BASS BANDCAMP
21-06-2024 tour dates ANNOUNCED
Rose has announced the tour dates for the release of the new album ‘Funkadelic’. Together with support act Simone Don she will hit the road in her old bus ‘Walter’
01-05-2024 Album release ‘Funkadelic’ + EU TOUR
Big news! The new album ‘Funkadelic’ will be released on 28 June with a concert in Amsterdam, at De Nieuwe Anita. Rose & the Bass announces Europe tour and the first concerts in Holland, France and Spain are confirmed. To stay in tune of the tour dates go to ‘Funkadelic EU Tour’ or click on the picture bellow.
02-12-2023 UPDATE album recordings
Since we’ve succeeded this crowdfunding campagne 229 days ago we managed to collect money to make the recordings for the new album happen. And it is happening.
Asmussen has started the process by traveling through Norway and Sweden with my bus Walter. She’s spend 2 months on the road to visit some incredible artists and hit the studio in Oslo. She managed to record the essentials for her 8 songs: drums, bass, vocals and some special guests with their funky instruments were invited in the studio too. She’s currently working with Dutch producer Rolito. Together they continue with the last recordings for the album in Wisseloord, Hilversum. Some special guests will be adding some funky twists to the songs. The next month she’ll make the last recordings before the songs are ready to be mixed and mastered by engineers.
Getting ready to release the album in summer 2024 with a little Europe tour. Can’t wait to show you what we’ve been working on these past months
27-06-2023 Rose and the bus made it to Norway
Rose made it to Oslo in her old bus called Walter. There she will record her new album in collaboration with local Norwegian musicians the upcoming month. So stay tuned!
13-05-2023 Preparing for Norway
Rose is preparing for a long journey; making sure that Walter (the bus) is and stays waterproof, she’s working on the body, removing the rust, repainting it and making sure that the 40 year old engine is as stable as possible to hit the Scandinavian mountains. The recordings for the album ‘Rose and the Bass’ will take place from the 3rd until the 12th of July in Oslo, Norway. But Rose and the Bus will be tripping for a longer time as they will record videoclips and visit some great artists in Norway and Sweden!
05-03-23 featured by film maker kai branss
After playing in New York for 3 months, Rose has sold everything to live in an old bus in Europe. Film maker @kaibranss made a cool video about it
19-02-23 album recordings norway
Rose started a crowdfunding campagne to raise money for her second album recordings in Norway. If the campaign succeeds, she will record the album in May 2023
21-01-23 New series ‘Rose & the bass’
The first episode of Rose’s new series ‘Rose & The Bass’. She will take you on her adventures around the world with the bass
08-10-22 Rosan to New York
Rosan announced her move to Brooklyn, New York for new opportunities that came her way. She will tell you about her upcoming adventures soon!
05-08-22 New ‘feel good’ video
Rosan recorded a new bass video. While gardening this is her approach to ‘Matinee Idol’ by Yellowjackets
05-07-22 Wild bass session with bassist Lorna Thomas
Rosan recorded an entertaining bass video with Scottish bassist Lorna Thomas during her visit to Scotland
07-03-22 Rosan ‘shoots’ message into the world
Rosan recorded her own version of ‘POW’ by Larry Graham. Using the bass to shoot the funk into the world; let’s make music, not war
04-03-22 Rosan announces trip to collaborate with other musicians
This summer Rosan’s going on a trip to Ireland, Scotland and Norway. Accompanied by her bass guitar she’s gonna meet up with some great musicians she ‘met online’ during the lockdowns. And now It’s time to meet them in real
25-01-22 Featured in Bass Magazine
Rosan’s news about her new album reached Bass Magazine!
24-01-22 Sneak peek for second album
Rosan shared a video previewing her second album to be released later this year!
10-01-22 Rosan has been voted ‘Player of the Month’ by Low End Nation
Great news today from Low End Nation that she has been voted player of the month, and she feels honored for that!
08-12-21 Working on second album
Currently Rosan is working on her second album and she’s making big plans. She can’t wait to share it with you next year!
22-10-21 New single ‘Braving the Unknown’ out with video clip
Today Rosan released her new single and got attention from some Dutch radio stations! The song is available at Spotify, iTunes, Amazon and Deezer.
15-10-21 Release new single feat. Jaron Jay
Next week Rosan is about to release her new single ‘Braving the Unknown’ with video clip on Youtube, Spotify and Apple Music
08-09-21 Testing new Sandberg California Supreme
Rosan got to test the new Sandberg California Supreme designed in honor of their 35th anniversary, very cool…. uh warm!
18-06-21 Best news ever; SHOWS CONFIRMED
After a long time no shows, many videos, funny challenges and super cool new collaborations we can proudly announce that life on stage is coming back! Super excited about great things coming up. So stay tuned, Rosan will not let you down -~-* over..
31-12-20 Confirmed on Noorderslag Festival with new upcoming Dutch artist Abbey Hoes
Great news. As a bass player for Abbey Hoes Rosan will perform on Noorderslag Festival 2021, Saturday 16 January 20:00 on mainstage ESNS01. Noorderslag presents the latest Dutch top artists and takes place in concert venue De Oosterpoort in Groningen on the Saturday. The showcase festival will be digital available for free on the ESNS platform.
24-12-20 New ‘Dean Town’ video picked up by bass magazines ‘No Treble’ and ‘De Bassist’
Bassist platforms/magazines ‘No Treble‘ and ‘De Bassist‘ have posted an item about the new bass video. No Treble: “This week’s most-watched video features two bassists, a popular song, and an extra shot of creativity. The duo not only knocked it out of the park with the music, but they also put together one super entertaining video.” Check out Lorna Thomas and Rosan Asmussen teaming up on Vulfpeck’s ‘Dean Town’ HERE!
4-12-20 New endorser for Eich amplification!
Proud to announce that Rosan is officially endorsed by @eichamps and received her CUSTOM designed Eich amps for new adventures. These little red monsters are going to blow us away!
14-10-20 Bass player for Abbey Hoes
As soon as we can start playing again, Rosan will start working with Abbey Hoes as bass player for her band. Great things are coming!
8-10-20 New endorser for Sandberg and a visit to the family in Germany!
Rosan is proud to be Sandberg’s new endorser and she has been officially introduced to the Sandberg family by Holger.
03-08-20 Nice collabs coming up!
Recently there have been new collaborations with amazing musicians. In this video Rosan and Sophie Anglionin are jamming on ‘Kadipo’; a song Rosan wrote in Africa
28-05-20 New bass video launched on Rosan’s Bass World!
Today Rosan has launched a brand new bass video for Rosan’s Bass World on Youtube! She made a new bass arrangement for Charlie Puth – BOY and added some licks at the end. If you wanna try you can download the backing track 😉
► Grab your FREE Sheets/TABS and Backing Tracks HERE!
27-03-20 Rosan’s Youtube Bass Channel
Next week Rosan will launch her own bass channel on Youtube to share the greatest bass lines, tips and tricks with the rest of the world!
20-03-20 Just confirmed // Marco Borsato Tribute
Rosan is proud to announce that she will be the bassist of this Marco Borsato tribute. With musicians who have played with the greatest artists in the Netherlands up to the band of Stevie Wonder she will play the Premiere on September, 26 2020.
Buy your tickets HERE
JAMundo may have been paused for a while but a lot is happening behind the scenes, we are becoming a foundation and special events are coming up. At the same time there is also sad news. Our loyal host Dra ended up in a sad situation now that his mother is seriously ill in Mali. We are going to help him to travel to his motherland, are you helping?
After three incredible years with lots of jam sessions and connections we made on stage, we are forced to temporarily pause this world oriented concept of JAMundo. Unfortunately, the evenings of JAMundo are not cost-effective for the hospitality industry in the heart of Groningen.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to continue these evenings without the support of the municipality funding. We are currently working behind close doors with the crew members of JAMundo and those involved to re-establish this concept in a different/better and improved way.
01-01-2020 Rosan’s elevator pitch for JAMundo
Rosan tells about JAMundo and why you should experience this.
11-11-2019 JAMundo in Martiniplaza Groningen
In collaboration with a group of artists Rosan and business partner Pablo ter Borg organized a performance for JAMundo at the Cultural Award Ceremonies of Groningen. A collaboration of different cultures sharing the stages for a free jam!
14-08-20 In live broadcast at local radiostation RTV Noord
09-08-2019 Rosan starts trip back to Holland
Rosan is traveling back to Holland after her music journey through Peru to discover the music traditions and performing her new songs.
Curious what happened in the past weeks? Check her blog HERE!
07-09-2018 NEW project just started
Jamundo jamsession @ de drie gezusters groningen
As Rosan is part of the organization Jamundo together with Pablo ter Borg they have found a new location for the returning jamsessions! Grand Café De Drie Gezusters in Groningen proudly confirmed to provide Jamundo for a location. In this collaboration the jamsession will be organized two times a month on Fridays. The Jamundo-agenda is to be found on the Jamundo-page in ‘projects’. The first edition, known as the new try-out, happened to be a great succes! So stay tuned!
04-08-2018 Live @ TARIBUSH KUNA FESTIVAL 27th july
03-01-2018 happy new year
official aftermovie now released
01-10-2017 Artwork for album ‘An african tale’ RELAESED. Order the album HERE!
// TOUR october 2017 //
Promotional video for Rosan Brings Africa
With only 2 people we built up the ‘Rosan Brings Africa’-tour. From now on we’ll stand strong with a crew consisting of 9 people! With this team we’ll make the tour a big experience.
Let us introduce the RBA-CREW to you:
30-08-2017 NEW CONCERT confirmed!
Restaurant/theater Le Brocope in Oldeberkoop is added to the tour on sunday 29-10-2017. This is a special arrangement. Before we’ll play the concert Rosan and her African bandmembers will give a workshop about African music. It’s possible to have a diner at the restaurant of Le Brocope in the meantime before the concert starts!
04-08-2017 New Orleans brings good news!
New show added to the tour! Jazzcafe New Orleans (Groningen) confirmed to be part of the Rosan brings Africa NL Tour 2017. In New Orleans we’ll play in an intimate setting inroducing the tour. This means that we’ll start and complete the tour in Rosan’s hometown; Groningen!
Check the tour dates and come dance with us!
CHECK Rosan’s showDATEs here!
Rose is preparing the bus for a long journey; making sure that Walter (the bus) is and stays waterproof, I am working on the body, removing the rust, repainting it and making sure that the 40 year old engine is as stable as possible to hit the Scandinavian mountains. At the same time I am working full time in Amsterdam to save money for the trip (gasoline, food and unforseen expenses).
The recordings for the album ‘Rose and the Bass’ will take place from the 3rd until the 12th of July in Oslo, Norway. There will be video recordings happening in Norway and I will visit some really cool musicians in Norway and Sweden!
If you are curious about my current life in the bus and the preparations I am doing for the Norway trip, you can follow me on social media:
Instagram: @rosanasmussen
Facebook: @rosanasmussenbass
Website: www.rosanasmussen.nl
Rose and the Bass
5-03-23 featured by film maker kai branss
After playing in New York for 3 months, Rose has sold everything to live in an old bus in Europe. Film maker @kaibranss made a cool video about it
19-02-23 album recordings norway
Rose started a crowdfunding campagne to raise money for her second album recordings in Norway. If the campaign succeeds, she will record the album in May 2023
21-01-23 New series ‘Rose & the bass’
The first episode of Rose’s new series ‘Rose & The Bass’. She will take you on her adventures around the world with the bass
08-10-22 Rosan to New York
Rosan announced her move to Brooklyn, New York for new opportunities that came her way. She will tell you about her upcoming adventures soon!
05-08-22 New ‘feel good’ video
Rosan recorded a ‘feel good’ bass video. While gardening this is her approach to ‘Matinee Idol’ by Yellowjackets
05-07-22 Wild bass session with bassist Lorna Thomas
Rosan recorded an entertaining bass video with Scottish bassist Lorna Thomas during her visit to Scotland
07-03-22 Rosan ‘shoots’ message into the world
Rosan recorded her own version of ‘POW’ by Larry Graham. Using the bass to shoot the funk into the world; let’s make music, not war
04-03-22 Rosan announces trip to collaborate with other musicians
This summer Rosan’s going on a trip to Ireland, Scotland and Norway. Accompanied by her bass guitar she’s gonna meet up with some great musicians she ‘met online’ during the lockdowns. And now It’s time to meet them in real
25-01-22 Featured in Bass Magazine
Rosan’s news about her new album reached Bass Magazine!
24-01-22 Sneak peek for second album
Rosan shared a video previewing her second album to be released later this year!
10-01-22 Rosan has been voted ‘Player of the Month’ by Low End Nation
Great news today from Low End Nation that she has been voted player of the month, and she feels honored for that!
08-12-21 Working on second album
Currently Rosan is working on her second album and she’s making big plans. She can’t wait to share it with you next year!
22-10-21 New single ‘Braving the Unknown’ out with video clip
Today Rosan released her new single and got attention from some Dutch radio stations! The song is available at Spotify, iTunes, Amazon and Deezer.
15-10-21 Release new single feat. Jaron Jay
Next week Rosan is about to release her new single ‘Braving the Unknown’ with video clip on Youtube, Spotify and Apple Music
08-09-21 Testing new Sandberg California Supreme
Rosan got to test the new Sandberg California Supreme designed in honor of their 35th anniversary, very cool…. uh warm!
18-06-21 Best news ever; SHOWS CONFIRMED
After a long time no shows, many videos, funny challenges and super cool new collaborations we can proudly announce that life on stage is coming back! Super excited about great things coming up. So stay tuned, Rosan will not let you down -~-* over..
31-12-20 Confirmed on Noorderslag Festival with new upcoming Dutch artist Abbey Hoes
Great news. As a bass player for Abbey Hoes Rosan will perform on Noorderslag Festival 2021, Saturday 16 January 20:00 on mainstage ESNS01. Noorderslag presents the latest Dutch top artists and takes place in concert venue De Oosterpoort in Groningen on the Saturday. The showcase festival will be digital available for free on the ESNS platform.
24-12-20 New ‘Dean Town’ video picked up by bass magazines ‘No Treble’ and ‘De Bassist’
Bassist platforms/magazines ‘No Treble‘ and ‘De Bassist‘ have posted an item about the new bass video. No Treble: “This week’s most-watched video features two bassists, a popular song, and an extra shot of creativity. The duo not only knocked it out of the park with the music, but they also put together one super entertaining video.” Check out Lorna Thomas and Rosan Asmussen teaming up on Vulfpeck’s ‘Dean Town’ HERE!
4-12-20 New endorser for Eich amplification!
Proud to announce that Rosan is officially endorsed by @eichamps and received her CUSTOM designed Eich amps for new adventures. These little red monsters are going to blow us away!
14-10-20 Bass player for Abbey Hoes
As soon as we can start playing again, Rosan will start working with Abbey Hoes as bass player for her band. Great things are coming!
8-10-20 New endorser for Sandberg and a visit to the family in Germany!
Rosan is proud to be Sandberg’s new endorser and she has been officially introduced to the Sandberg family by Holger.
03-08-20 Nice collabs coming up!
Recently there have been new collaborations with amazing musicians. In this video Rosan and Sophie Anglionin are jamming on ‘Kadipo’; a song Rosan wrote in Africa
28-05-20 New bass video launched on Rosan’s Bass World!
Today Rosan has launched a brand new bass video for Rosan’s Bass World on Youtube! She made a new bass arrangement for Charlie Puth – BOY and added some licks at the end. If you wanna try you can download the backing track 😉
► Grab your FREE Sheets/TABS and Backing Tracks HERE!
27-03-20 Rosan’s Youtube Bass Channel
Next week Rosan will launch her own bass channel on Youtube to share the greatest bass lines, tips and tricks with the rest of the world!
20-03-20 Just confirmed // Marco Borsato Tribute
Rosan is proud to announce that she will be the bassist of this Marco Borsato tribute. With musicians who have played with the greatest artists in the Netherlands up to the band of Stevie Wonder she will play the Premiere on September, 26 2020.
Buy your tickets HERE
JAMundo may have been paused for a while but a lot is happening behind the scenes, we are becoming a foundation and special events are coming up. At the same time there is also sad news. Our loyal host Dra ended up in a sad situation now that his mother is seriously ill in Mali. We are going to help him to travel to his motherland, are you helping?
After three incredible years with lots of jam sessions and connections we made on stage, we are forced to temporarily pause this world oriented concept of JAMundo. Unfortunately, the evenings of JAMundo are not cost-effective for the hospitality industry in the heart of Groningen.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to continue these evenings without the support of the municipality funding. We are currently working behind close doors with the crew members of JAMundo and those involved to re-establish this concept in a different/better and improved way.
01-01-2020 Rosan’s elevator pitch for JAMundo
Rosan tells about JAMundo and why you should experience this.
11-11-2019 JAMundo in Martiniplaza Groningen
In collaboration with a group of artists Rosan and business partner Pablo ter Borg organized a performance for JAMundo at the Cultural Award Ceremonies of Groningen. A collaboration of different cultures sharing the stages for a free jam!
14-08-20 In live broadcast at local radiostation RTV Noord
09-08-2019 Rosan starts trip back to Holland
Rosan is traveling back to Holland after her music journey through Peru to discover the music traditions and performing her new songs.
Curious what happened in the past weeks? Check her blog HERE!
07-09-2018 NEW project just started
Jamundo jamsession @ de drie gezusters groningen
As Rosan is part of the organization Jamundo together with Pablo ter Borg they have found a new location for the returning jamsessions! Grand Café De Drie Gezusters in Groningen proudly confirmed to provide Jamundo for a location. In this collaboration the jamsession will be organized two times a month on Fridays. The Jamundo-agenda is to be found on the Jamundo-page in ‘projects’. The first edition, known as the new try-out, happened to be a great succes! So stay tuned!
04-08-2018 Live @ TARIBUSH KUNA FESTIVAL 27th july
03-01-2018 happy new year
official aftermovie now released
01-10-2017 Artwork for album ‘An african tale’ RELAESED. Order the album HERE!
// TOUR october 2017 //
Promotional video for Rosan Brings Africa
With only 2 people we built up the ‘Rosan Brings Africa’-tour. From now on we’ll stand strong with a crew consisting of 9 people! With this team we’ll make the tour a big experience.
Let us introduce the RBA-CREW to you:
30-08-2017 NEW CONCERT confirmed!
Restaurant/theater Le Brocope in Oldeberkoop is added to the tour on sunday 29-10-2017. This is a special arrangement. Before we’ll play the concert Rosan and her African bandmembers will give a workshop about African music. It’s possible to have a diner at the restaurant of Le Brocope in the meantime before the concert starts!
04-08-2017 New Orleans brings good news!
New show added to the tour! Jazzcafe New Orleans (Groningen) confirmed to be part of the Rosan brings Africa NL Tour 2017. In New Orleans we’ll play in an intimate setting inroducing the tour. This means that we’ll start and complete the tour in Rosan’s hometown; Groningen!
Check the tour dates and come dance with us!
CHECK Rosan’s showDATEs here!
Rose is preparing the bus for a long journey; making sure that Walter (the bus) is and stays waterproof, I am working on the body, removing the rust, repainting it and making sure that the 40 year old engine is as stable as possible to hit the Scandinavian mountains. At the same time I am working full time in Amsterdam to save money for the trip (gasoline, food and unforseen expenses).
The recordings for the album ‘Rose and the Bass’ will take place from the 3rd until the 12th of July in Oslo, Norway. There will be video recordings happening in Norway and I will visit some really cool musicians in Norway and Sweden!
If you are curious about my current life in the bus and the preparations I am doing for the Norway trip, you can follow me on social media:
Instagram: @rosanasmussen
Facebook: @rosanasmussenbass
Website: www.rosanasmussen.nl
Rose and the Bass
5-03-23 featured by film maker kai branss
After playing in New York for 3 months, Rose has sold everything to live in an old bus in Europe. Film maker @kaibranss made a cool video about it
19-02-23 album recordings norway
Rose started a crowdfunding campagne to raise money for her second album recordings in Norway. If the campaign succeeds, she will record the album in May 2023
21-01-23 New series ‘Rose & the bass’
The first episode of Rose’s new series ‘Rose & The Bass’. She will take you on her adventures around the world with the bass
08-10-22 Rosan to New York
Rosan announced her move to Brooklyn, New York for new opportunities that came her way. She will tell you about her upcoming adventures soon!
05-08-22 New ‘feel good’ video
Rosan recorded a ‘feel good’ bass video. While gardening this is her approach to ‘Matinee Idol’ by Yellowjackets
05-07-22 Wild bass session with bassist Lorna Thomas
Rosan recorded an entertaining bass video with Scottish bassist Lorna Thomas during her visit to Scotland
07-03-22 Rosan ‘shoots’ message into the world
Rosan recorded her own version of ‘POW’ by Larry Graham. Using the bass to shoot the funk into the world; let’s make music, not war
04-03-22 Rosan announces trip to collaborate with other musicians
This summer Rosan’s going on a trip to Ireland, Scotland and Norway. Accompanied by her bass guitar she’s gonna meet up with some great musicians she ‘met online’ during the lockdowns. And now It’s time to meet them in real
25-01-22 Featured in Bass Magazine
Rosan’s news about her new album reached Bass Magazine!
24-01-22 Sneak peek for second album
Rosan shared a video previewing her second album to be released later this year!
10-01-22 Rosan has been voted ‘Player of the Month’ by Low End Nation
Great news today from Low End Nation that she has been voted player of the month, and she feels honored for that!
08-12-21 Working on second album
Currently Rosan is working on her second album and she’s making big plans. She can’t wait to share it with you next year!
22-10-21 New single ‘Braving the Unknown’ out with video clip
Today Rosan released her new single and got attention from some Dutch radio stations! The song is available at Spotify, iTunes, Amazon and Deezer.
15-10-21 Release new single feat. Jaron Jay
Next week Rosan is about to release her new single ‘Braving the Unknown’ with video clip on Youtube, Spotify and Apple Music
08-09-21 Testing new Sandberg California Supreme
Rosan got to test the new Sandberg California Supreme designed in honor of their 35th anniversary, very cool…. uh warm!
18-06-21 Best news ever; SHOWS CONFIRMED
After a long time no shows, many videos, funny challenges and super cool new collaborations we can proudly announce that life on stage is coming back! Super excited about great things coming up. So stay tuned, Rosan will not let you down -~-* over..
31-12-20 Confirmed on Noorderslag Festival with new upcoming Dutch artist Abbey Hoes
Great news. As a bass player for Abbey Hoes Rosan will perform on Noorderslag Festival 2021, Saturday 16 January 20:00 on mainstage ESNS01. Noorderslag presents the latest Dutch top artists and takes place in concert venue De Oosterpoort in Groningen on the Saturday. The showcase festival will be digital available for free on the ESNS platform.
24-12-20 New ‘Dean Town’ video picked up by bass magazines ‘No Treble’ and ‘De Bassist’
Bassist platforms/magazines ‘No Treble‘ and ‘De Bassist‘ have posted an item about the new bass video. No Treble: “This week’s most-watched video features two bassists, a popular song, and an extra shot of creativity. The duo not only knocked it out of the park with the music, but they also put together one super entertaining video.” Check out Lorna Thomas and Rosan Asmussen teaming up on Vulfpeck’s ‘Dean Town’ HERE!
4-12-20 New endorser for Eich amplification!
Proud to announce that Rosan is officially endorsed by @eichamps and received her CUSTOM designed Eich amps for new adventures. These little red monsters are going to blow us away!
14-10-20 Bass player for Abbey Hoes
As soon as we can start playing again, Rosan will start working with Abbey Hoes as bass player for her band. Great things are coming!
8-10-20 New endorser for Sandberg and a visit to the family in Germany!
Rosan is proud to be Sandberg’s new endorser and she has been officially introduced to the Sandberg family by Holger.
03-08-20 Nice collabs coming up!
Recently there have been new collaborations with amazing musicians. In this video Rosan and Sophie Anglionin are jamming on ‘Kadipo’; a song Rosan wrote in Africa
28-05-20 New bass video launched on Rosan’s Bass World!
Today Rosan has launched a brand new bass video for Rosan’s Bass World on Youtube! She made a new bass arrangement for Charlie Puth – BOY and added some licks at the end. If you wanna try you can download the backing track 😉
► Grab your FREE Sheets/TABS and Backing Tracks HERE!
27-03-20 Rosan’s Youtube Bass Channel
Next week Rosan will launch her own bass channel on Youtube to share the greatest bass lines, tips and tricks with the rest of the world!
20-03-20 Just confirmed // Marco Borsato Tribute
Rosan is proud to announce that she will be the bassist of this Marco Borsato tribute. With musicians who have played with the greatest artists in the Netherlands up to the band of Stevie Wonder she will play the Premiere on September, 26 2020.
Buy your tickets HERE
JAMundo may have been paused for a while but a lot is happening behind the scenes, we are becoming a foundation and special events are coming up. At the same time there is also sad news. Our loyal host Dra ended up in a sad situation now that his mother is seriously ill in Mali. We are going to help him to travel to his motherland, are you helping?
After three incredible years with lots of jam sessions and connections we made on stage, we are forced to temporarily pause this world oriented concept of JAMundo. Unfortunately, the evenings of JAMundo are not cost-effective for the hospitality industry in the heart of Groningen.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to continue these evenings without the support of the municipality funding. We are currently working behind close doors with the crew members of JAMundo and those involved to re-establish this concept in a different/better and improved way.
01-01-2020 Rosan’s elevator pitch for JAMundo
Rosan tells about JAMundo and why you should experience this.
11-11-2019 JAMundo in Martiniplaza Groningen
In collaboration with a group of artists Rosan and business partner Pablo ter Borg organized a performance for JAMundo at the Cultural Award Ceremonies of Groningen. A collaboration of different cultures sharing the stages for a free jam!
14-08-20 In live broadcast at local radiostation RTV Noord
09-08-2019 Rosan starts trip back to Holland
Rosan is traveling back to Holland after her music journey through Peru to discover the music traditions and performing her new songs.
Curious what happened in the past weeks? Check her blog HERE!
07-09-2018 NEW project just started
Jamundo jamsession @ de drie gezusters groningen
As Rosan is part of the organization Jamundo together with Pablo ter Borg they have found a new location for the returning jamsessions! Grand Café De Drie Gezusters in Groningen proudly confirmed to provide Jamundo for a location. In this collaboration the jamsession will be organized two times a month on Fridays. The Jamundo-agenda is to be found on the Jamundo-page in ‘projects’. The first edition, known as the new try-out, happened to be a great succes! So stay tuned!
04-08-2018 Live @ TARIBUSH KUNA FESTIVAL 27th july
03-01-2018 happy new year
official aftermovie now released
01-10-2017 Artwork for album ‘An african tale’ RELAESED. Order the album HERE!
// TOUR october 2017 //
Promotional video for Rosan Brings Africa
With only 2 people we built up the ‘Rosan Brings Africa’-tour. From now on we’ll stand strong with a crew consisting of 9 people! With this team we’ll make the tour a big experience.
Let us introduce the RBA-CREW to you:
30-08-2017 NEW CONCERT confirmed!
Restaurant/theater Le Brocope in Oldeberkoop is added to the tour on sunday 29-10-2017. This is a special arrangement. Before we’ll play the concert Rosan and her African bandmembers will give a workshop about African music. It’s possible to have a diner at the restaurant of Le Brocope in the meantime before the concert starts!
04-08-2017 New Orleans brings good news!
New show added to the tour! Jazzcafe New Orleans (Groningen) confirmed to be part of the Rosan brings Africa NL Tour 2017. In New Orleans we’ll play in an intimate setting inroducing the tour. This means that we’ll start and complete the tour in Rosan’s hometown; Groningen!
Check the tour dates and come dance with us!
CHECK Rosan’s showDATEs here!
Hey friends,
The new album, ‘Funkadelic Vibes’, drops on June 28th with a concert in Amsterdam. Then, in July, my crew and I will be hitting the road in our trusty bus, Walter, touring across Europe and bringing the vibes to capitals and little towns. I’m excited to announce a collaboration with the talented Simone Don, so we’ll be delivering a full evening of entertainment at every stop.
We’ve just locked in our first venue this week, and you can keep up with our journey at https://www.rosanasmussen.nl/epk-rose-the-bass/
Oh, and I have revealed a sneak peek for the sound of ‘Funkadelic Vibes’. Check it in the link above.
So, stay tuned, and hopefully see you on the road this summer!
Rose & the Bass
2-12-2023 UPDATE album recordings
Since we’ve succeeded this crowdfunding campagne 229 days ago we managed to collect money to make the recordings for the new album happen. And it is happening.
Asmussen has started the process by traveling through Norway and Sweden with my bus Walter. She’s spend 2 months on the road to visit some incredible artists and hit the studio in Oslo. She managed to record the essentials for her 8 songs: drums, bass, vocals and some special guests with their funky instruments were invited in the studio too. She’s currently working with Dutch producer Rolito. Together they continue with the last recordings for the album in Wisseloord, Hilversum. Some special guests will be adding some funky twists to the songs. The next month she’ll make the last recordings before the songs are ready to be mixed and mastered by engineers.
Getting ready to release the album in summer 2024 with a little Europe tour. Can’t wait to show you what we’ve been working on these past months
27-6-2023 Rose and the bus made it to Norway
Rose made it to Oslo in her old bus called Walter. There she will record her new album in collaboration with local Norwegian musicians the upcoming month. So stay tuned!
13-05-2023 Preparing for Norway
Rose is preparing for a long journey; making sure that Walter (the bus) is and stays waterproof, she’s working on the body, removing the rust, repainting it and making sure that the 40 year old engine is as stable as possible to hit the Scandinavian mountains. The recordings for the album ‘Rose and the Bass’ will take place from the 3rd until the 12th of July in Oslo, Norway. But Rose and the Bus will be tripping for a longer time as they will record videoclips and visit some great artists in Norway and Sweden!
5-03-23 featured by film maker kai branss
After playing in New York for 3 months, Rose has sold everything to live in an old bus in Europe. Film maker @kaibranss made a cool video about it
19-02-23 album recordings norway
Rose started a crowdfunding campagne to raise money for her second album recordings in Norway. If the campaign succeeds, she will record the album in May 2023
21-01-23 New series ‘Rose & the bass’
The first episode of Rose’s new series ‘Rose & The Bass’. She will take you on her adventures around the world with the bass
08-10-22 Rosan to New York
Rosan announced her move to Brooklyn, New York for new opportunities that came her way. She will tell you about her upcoming adventures soon!
05-08-22 New ‘feel good’ video
Rosan recorded a ‘feel good’ bass video. While gardening this is her approach to ‘Matinee Idol’ by Yellowjackets
05-07-22 Wild bass session with bassist Lorna Thomas
Rosan recorded an entertaining bass video with Scottish bassist Lorna Thomas during her visit to Scotland
07-03-22 Rosan ‘shoots’ message into the world
Rosan recorded her own version of ‘POW’ by Larry Graham. Using the bass to shoot the funk into the world; let’s make music, not war
04-03-22 Rosan announces trip to collaborate with other musicians
This summer Rosan’s going on a trip to Ireland, Scotland and Norway. Accompanied by her bass guitar she’s gonna meet up with some great musicians she ‘met online’ during the lockdowns. And now It’s time to meet them in real
25-01-22 Featured in Bass Magazine
Rosan’s news about her new album reached Bass Magazine!
24-01-22 Sneak peek for second album
Rosan shared a video previewing her second album to be released later this year!
10-01-22 Rosan has been voted ‘Player of the Month’ by Low End Nation
Great news today from Low End Nation that she has been voted player of the month, and she feels honored for that!
08-12-21 Working on second album
Currently Rosan is working on her second album and she’s making big plans. She can’t wait to share it with you next year!
22-10-21 New single ‘Braving the Unknown’ out with video clip
Today Rosan released her new single and got attention from some Dutch radio stations! The song is available at Spotify, iTunes, Amazon and Deezer.
15-10-21 Release new single feat. Jaron Jay
Next week Rosan is about to release her new single ‘Braving the Unknown’ with video clip on Youtube, Spotify and Apple Music
08-09-21 Testing new Sandberg California Supreme
Rosan got to test the new Sandberg California Supreme designed in honor of their 35th anniversary, very cool…. uh warm!
18-06-21 Best news ever; SHOWS CONFIRMED
After a long time no shows, many videos, funny challenges and super cool new collaborations we can proudly announce that life on stage is coming back! Super excited about great things coming up. So stay tuned, Rosan will not let you down -~-* over..
31-12-20 Confirmed on Noorderslag Festival with new upcoming Dutch artist Abbey Hoes
Great news. As a bass player for Abbey Hoes Rosan will perform on Noorderslag Festival 2021, Saturday 16 January 20:00 on mainstage ESNS01. Noorderslag presents the latest Dutch top artists and takes place in concert venue De Oosterpoort in Groningen on the Saturday. The showcase festival will be digital available for free on the ESNS platform.
24-12-20 New ‘Dean Town’ video picked up by bass magazines ‘No Treble’ and ‘De Bassist’
Bassist platforms/magazines ‘No Treble‘ and ‘De Bassist‘ have posted an item about the new bass video. No Treble: “This week’s most-watched video features two bassists, a popular song, and an extra shot of creativity. The duo not only knocked it out of the park with the music, but they also put together one super entertaining video.” Check out Lorna Thomas and Rosan Asmussen teaming up on Vulfpeck’s ‘Dean Town’ HERE!
4-12-20 New endorser for Eich amplification!
Proud to announce that Rosan is officially endorsed by @eichamps and received her CUSTOM designed Eich amps for new adventures. These little red monsters are going to blow us away!
14-10-20 Bass player for Abbey Hoes
As soon as we can start playing again, Rosan will start working with Abbey Hoes as bass player for her band. Great things are coming!
8-10-20 New endorser for Sandberg and a visit to the family in Germany!
Rosan is proud to be Sandberg’s new endorser and she has been officially introduced to the Sandberg family by Holger.
03-08-20 Nice collabs coming up!
Recently there have been new collaborations with amazing musicians. In this video Rosan and Sophie Anglionin are jamming on ‘Kadipo’; a song Rosan wrote in Africa
28-05-20 New bass video launched on Rosan’s Bass World!
Today Rosan has launched a brand new bass video for Rosan’s Bass World on Youtube! She made a new bass arrangement for Charlie Puth – BOY and added some licks at the end. If you wanna try you can download the backing track 😉
► Grab your FREE Sheets/TABS and Backing Tracks HERE!
27-03-20 Rosan’s Youtube Bass Channel
Next week Rosan will launch her own bass channel on Youtube to share the greatest bass lines, tips and tricks with the rest of the world!
20-03-20 Just confirmed // Marco Borsato Tribute
Rosan is proud to announce that she will be the bassist of this Marco Borsato tribute. With musicians who have played with the greatest artists in the Netherlands up to the band of Stevie Wonder she will play the Premiere on September, 26 2020.
Buy your tickets HERE
JAMundo may have been paused for a while but a lot is happening behind the scenes, we are becoming a foundation and special events are coming up. At the same time there is also sad news. Our loyal host Dra ended up in a sad situation now that his mother is seriously ill in Mali. We are going to help him to travel to his motherland, are you helping?
After three incredible years with lots of jam sessions and connections we made on stage, we are forced to temporarily pause this world oriented concept of JAMundo. Unfortunately, the evenings of JAMundo are not cost-effective for the hospitality industry in the heart of Groningen.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to continue these evenings without the support of the municipality funding. We are currently working behind close doors with the crew members of JAMundo and those involved to re-establish this concept in a different/better and improved way.
01-01-2020 Rosan’s elevator pitch for JAMundo
Rosan tells about JAMundo and why you should experience this.
11-11-2019 JAMundo in Martiniplaza Groningen
In collaboration with a group of artists Rosan and business partner Pablo ter Borg organized a performance for JAMundo at the Cultural Award Ceremonies of Groningen. A collaboration of different cultures sharing the stages for a free jam!
14-08-20 In live broadcast at local radiostation RTV Noord
09-08-2019 Rosan starts trip back to Holland
Rosan is traveling back to Holland after her music journey through Peru to discover the music traditions and performing her new songs.
Curious what happened in the past weeks? Check her blog HERE!
07-09-2018 NEW project just started
Jamundo jamsession @ de drie gezusters groningen
As Rosan is part of the organization Jamundo together with Pablo ter Borg they have found a new location for the returning jamsessions! Grand Café De Drie Gezusters in Groningen proudly confirmed to provide Jamundo for a location. In this collaboration the jamsession will be organized two times a month on Fridays. The Jamundo-agenda is to be found on the Jamundo-page in ‘projects’. The first edition, known as the new try-out, happened to be a great succes! So stay tuned!
04-08-2018 Live @ TARIBUSH KUNA FESTIVAL 27th july
03-01-2018 happy new year
official aftermovie now released
01-10-2017 Artwork for album ‘An african tale’ RELAESED. Order the album HERE!
// TOUR october 2017 //
Promotional video for Rosan Brings Africa
With only 2 people we built up the ‘Rosan Brings Africa’-tour. From now on we’ll stand strong with a crew consisting of 9 people! With this team we’ll make the tour a big experience.
Let us introduce the RBA-CREW to you:
30-08-2017 NEW CONCERT confirmed!
Restaurant/theater Le Brocope in Oldeberkoop is added to the tour on sunday 29-10-2017. This is a special arrangement. Before we’ll play the concert Rosan and her African bandmembers will give a workshop about African music. It’s possible to have a diner at the restaurant of Le Brocope in the meantime before the concert starts!
04-08-2017 New Orleans brings good news!
New show added to the tour! Jazzcafe New Orleans (Groningen) confirmed to be part of the Rosan brings Africa NL Tour 2017. In New Orleans we’ll play in an intimate setting inroducing the tour. This means that we’ll start and complete the tour in Rosan’s hometown; Groningen!
Check the tour dates and come dance with us!
CHECK Rosan’s showDATEs here!
Rose is preparing the bus for a long journey; making sure that Walter (the bus) is and stays waterproof, I am working on the body, removing the rust, repainting it and making sure that the 40 year old engine is as stable as possible to hit the Scandinavian mountains. At the same time I am working full time in Amsterdam to save money for the trip (gasoline, food and unforseen expenses).
The recordings for the album ‘Rose and the Bass’ will take place from the 3rd until the 12th of July in Oslo, Norway. There will be video recordings happening in Norway and I will visit some really cool musicians in Norway and Sweden!
If you are curious about my current life in the bus and the preparations I am doing for the Norway trip, you can follow me on social media:
Instagram: @rosanasmussen
Facebook: @rosanasmussenbass
Website: www.rosanasmussen.nl
Rose and the Bass
5-03-23 featured by film maker kai branss
After playing in New York for 3 months, Rose has sold everything to live in an old bus in Europe. Film maker @kaibranss made a cool video about it
19-02-23 album recordings norway
Rose started a crowdfunding campagne to raise money for her second album recordings in Norway. If the campaign succeeds, she will record the album in May 2023
21-01-23 New series ‘Rose & the bass’
The first episode of Rose’s new series ‘Rose & The Bass’. She will take you on her adventures around the world with the bass
08-10-22 Rosan to New York
Rosan announced her move to Brooklyn, New York for new opportunities that came her way. She will tell you about her upcoming adventures soon!
05-08-22 New ‘feel good’ video
Rosan recorded a ‘feel good’ bass video. While gardening this is her approach to ‘Matinee Idol’ by Yellowjackets
05-07-22 Wild bass session with bassist Lorna Thomas
Rosan recorded an entertaining bass video with Scottish bassist Lorna Thomas during her visit to Scotland
07-03-22 Rosan ‘shoots’ message into the world
Rosan recorded her own version of ‘POW’ by Larry Graham. Using the bass to shoot the funk into the world; let’s make music, not war
04-03-22 Rosan announces trip to collaborate with other musicians
This summer Rosan’s going on a trip to Ireland, Scotland and Norway. Accompanied by her bass guitar she’s gonna meet up with some great musicians she ‘met online’ during the lockdowns. And now It’s time to meet them in real
25-01-22 Featured in Bass Magazine
Rosan’s news about her new album reached Bass Magazine!
24-01-22 Sneak peek for second album
Rosan shared a video previewing her second album to be released later this year!
10-01-22 Rosan has been voted ‘Player of the Month’ by Low End Nation
Great news today from Low End Nation that she has been voted player of the month, and she feels honored for that!
08-12-21 Working on second album
Currently Rosan is working on her second album and she’s making big plans. She can’t wait to share it with you next year!
22-10-21 New single ‘Braving the Unknown’ out with video clip
Today Rosan released her new single and got attention from some Dutch radio stations! The song is available at Spotify, iTunes, Amazon and Deezer.
15-10-21 Release new single feat. Jaron Jay
Next week Rosan is about to release her new single ‘Braving the Unknown’ with video clip on Youtube, Spotify and Apple Music
08-09-21 Testing new Sandberg California Supreme
Rosan got to test the new Sandberg California Supreme designed in honor of their 35th anniversary, very cool…. uh warm!
18-06-21 Best news ever; SHOWS CONFIRMED
After a long time no shows, many videos, funny challenges and super cool new collaborations we can proudly announce that life on stage is coming back! Super excited about great things coming up. So stay tuned, Rosan will not let you down -~-* over..
31-12-20 Confirmed on Noorderslag Festival with new upcoming Dutch artist Abbey Hoes
Great news. As a bass player for Abbey Hoes Rosan will perform on Noorderslag Festival 2021, Saturday 16 January 20:00 on mainstage ESNS01. Noorderslag presents the latest Dutch top artists and takes place in concert venue De Oosterpoort in Groningen on the Saturday. The showcase festival will be digital available for free on the ESNS platform.
24-12-20 New ‘Dean Town’ video picked up by bass magazines ‘No Treble’ and ‘De Bassist’
Bassist platforms/magazines ‘No Treble‘ and ‘De Bassist‘ have posted an item about the new bass video. No Treble: “This week’s most-watched video features two bassists, a popular song, and an extra shot of creativity. The duo not only knocked it out of the park with the music, but they also put together one super entertaining video.” Check out Lorna Thomas and Rosan Asmussen teaming up on Vulfpeck’s ‘Dean Town’ HERE!
4-12-20 New endorser for Eich amplification!
Proud to announce that Rosan is officially endorsed by @eichamps and received her CUSTOM designed Eich amps for new adventures. These little red monsters are going to blow us away!
14-10-20 Bass player for Abbey Hoes
As soon as we can start playing again, Rosan will start working with Abbey Hoes as bass player for her band. Great things are coming!
8-10-20 New endorser for Sandberg and a visit to the family in Germany!
Rosan is proud to be Sandberg’s new endorser and she has been officially introduced to the Sandberg family by Holger.
03-08-20 Nice collabs coming up!
Recently there have been new collaborations with amazing musicians. In this video Rosan and Sophie Anglionin are jamming on ‘Kadipo’; a song Rosan wrote in Africa
28-05-20 New bass video launched on Rosan’s Bass World!
Today Rosan has launched a brand new bass video for Rosan’s Bass World on Youtube! She made a new bass arrangement for Charlie Puth – BOY and added some licks at the end. If you wanna try you can download the backing track 😉
► Grab your FREE Sheets/TABS and Backing Tracks HERE!
27-03-20 Rosan’s Youtube Bass Channel
Next week Rosan will launch her own bass channel on Youtube to share the greatest bass lines, tips and tricks with the rest of the world!
20-03-20 Just confirmed // Marco Borsato Tribute
Rosan is proud to announce that she will be the bassist of this Marco Borsato tribute. With musicians who have played with the greatest artists in the Netherlands up to the band of Stevie Wonder she will play the Premiere on September, 26 2020.
Buy your tickets HERE
JAMundo may have been paused for a while but a lot is happening behind the scenes, we are becoming a foundation and special events are coming up. At the same time there is also sad news. Our loyal host Dra ended up in a sad situation now that his mother is seriously ill in Mali. We are going to help him to travel to his motherland, are you helping?
After three incredible years with lots of jam sessions and connections we made on stage, we are forced to temporarily pause this world oriented concept of JAMundo. Unfortunately, the evenings of JAMundo are not cost-effective for the hospitality industry in the heart of Groningen.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to continue these evenings without the support of the municipality funding. We are currently working behind close doors with the crew members of JAMundo and those involved to re-establish this concept in a different/better and improved way.
01-01-2020 Rosan’s elevator pitch for JAMundo
Rosan tells about JAMundo and why you should experience this.
11-11-2019 JAMundo in Martiniplaza Groningen
In collaboration with a group of artists Rosan and business partner Pablo ter Borg organized a performance for JAMundo at the Cultural Award Ceremonies of Groningen. A collaboration of different cultures sharing the stages for a free jam!
14-08-20 In live broadcast at local radiostation RTV Noord
09-08-2019 Rosan starts trip back to Holland
Rosan is traveling back to Holland after her music journey through Peru to discover the music traditions and performing her new songs.
Curious what happened in the past weeks? Check her blog HERE!
07-09-2018 NEW project just started
Jamundo jamsession @ de drie gezusters groningen
As Rosan is part of the organization Jamundo together with Pablo ter Borg they have found a new location for the returning jamsessions! Grand Café De Drie Gezusters in Groningen proudly confirmed to provide Jamundo for a location. In this collaboration the jamsession will be organized two times a month on Fridays. The Jamundo-agenda is to be found on the Jamundo-page in ‘projects’. The first edition, known as the new try-out, happened to be a great succes! So stay tuned!
04-08-2018 Live @ TARIBUSH KUNA FESTIVAL 27th july
03-01-2018 happy new year
official aftermovie now released
01-10-2017 Artwork for album ‘An african tale’ RELAESED. Order the album HERE!
// TOUR october 2017 //
Promotional video for Rosan Brings Africa
With only 2 people we built up the ‘Rosan Brings Africa’-tour. From now on we’ll stand strong with a crew consisting of 9 people! With this team we’ll make the tour a big experience.
Let us introduce the RBA-CREW to you:
30-08-2017 NEW CONCERT confirmed!
Restaurant/theater Le Brocope in Oldeberkoop is added to the tour on sunday 29-10-2017. This is a special arrangement. Before we’ll play the concert Rosan and her African bandmembers will give a workshop about African music. It’s possible to have a diner at the restaurant of Le Brocope in the meantime before the concert starts!
04-08-2017 New Orleans brings good news!
New show added to the tour! Jazzcafe New Orleans (Groningen) confirmed to be part of the Rosan brings Africa NL Tour 2017. In New Orleans we’ll play in an intimate setting inroducing the tour. This means that we’ll start and complete the tour in Rosan’s hometown; Groningen!
Check the tour dates and come dance with us!
CHECK Rosan’s showDATEs here!
Rose is preparing the bus for a long journey; making sure that Walter (the bus) is and stays waterproof, I am working on the body, removing the rust, repainting it and making sure that the 40 year old engine is as stable as possible to hit the Scandinavian mountains. At the same time I am working full time in Amsterdam to save money for the trip (gasoline, food and unforseen expenses).
The recordings for the album ‘Rose and the Bass’ will take place from the 3rd until the 12th of July in Oslo, Norway. There will be video recordings happening in Norway and I will visit some really cool musicians in Norway and Sweden!
If you are curious about my current life in the bus and the preparations I am doing for the Norway trip, you can follow me on social media:
Instagram: @rosanasmussen
Facebook: @rosanasmussenbass
Website: www.rosanasmussen.nl
Rose and the Bass
5-03-23 featured by film maker kai branss
After playing in New York for 3 months, Rose has sold everything to live in an old bus in Europe. Film maker @kaibranss made a cool video about it
19-02-23 album recordings norway
Rose started a crowdfunding campagne to raise money for her second album recordings in Norway. If the campaign succeeds, she will record the album in May 2023
21-01-23 New series ‘Rose & the bass’
The first episode of Rose’s new series ‘Rose & The Bass’. She will take you on her adventures around the world with the bass
08-10-22 Rosan to New York
Rosan announced her move to Brooklyn, New York for new opportunities that came her way. She will tell you about her upcoming adventures soon!
05-08-22 New ‘feel good’ video
Rosan recorded a ‘feel good’ bass video. While gardening this is her approach to ‘Matinee Idol’ by Yellowjackets
05-07-22 Wild bass session with bassist Lorna Thomas
Rosan recorded an entertaining bass video with Scottish bassist Lorna Thomas during her visit to Scotland
07-03-22 Rosan ‘shoots’ message into the world
Rosan recorded her own version of ‘POW’ by Larry Graham. Using the bass to shoot the funk into the world; let’s make music, not war
04-03-22 Rosan announces trip to collaborate with other musicians
This summer Rosan’s going on a trip to Ireland, Scotland and Norway. Accompanied by her bass guitar she’s gonna meet up with some great musicians she ‘met online’ during the lockdowns. And now It’s time to meet them in real
25-01-22 Featured in Bass Magazine
Rosan’s news about her new album reached Bass Magazine!
24-01-22 Sneak peek for second album
Rosan shared a video previewing her second album to be released later this year!
10-01-22 Rosan has been voted ‘Player of the Month’ by Low End Nation
Great news today from Low End Nation that she has been voted player of the month, and she feels honored for that!
08-12-21 Working on second album
Currently Rosan is working on her second album and she’s making big plans. She can’t wait to share it with you next year!
22-10-21 New single ‘Braving the Unknown’ out with video clip
Today Rosan released her new single and got attention from some Dutch radio stations! The song is available at Spotify, iTunes, Amazon and Deezer.
15-10-21 Release new single feat. Jaron Jay
Next week Rosan is about to release her new single ‘Braving the Unknown’ with video clip on Youtube, Spotify and Apple Music
08-09-21 Testing new Sandberg California Supreme
Rosan got to test the new Sandberg California Supreme designed in honor of their 35th anniversary, very cool…. uh warm!
18-06-21 Best news ever; SHOWS CONFIRMED
After a long time no shows, many videos, funny challenges and super cool new collaborations we can proudly announce that life on stage is coming back! Super excited about great things coming up. So stay tuned, Rosan will not let you down -~-* over..
31-12-20 Confirmed on Noorderslag Festival with new upcoming Dutch artist Abbey Hoes
Great news. As a bass player for Abbey Hoes Rosan will perform on Noorderslag Festival 2021, Saturday 16 January 20:00 on mainstage ESNS01. Noorderslag presents the latest Dutch top artists and takes place in concert venue De Oosterpoort in Groningen on the Saturday. The showcase festival will be digital available for free on the ESNS platform.
24-12-20 New ‘Dean Town’ video picked up by bass magazines ‘No Treble’ and ‘De Bassist’
Bassist platforms/magazines ‘No Treble‘ and ‘De Bassist‘ have posted an item about the new bass video. No Treble: “This week’s most-watched video features two bassists, a popular song, and an extra shot of creativity. The duo not only knocked it out of the park with the music, but they also put together one super entertaining video.” Check out Lorna Thomas and Rosan Asmussen teaming up on Vulfpeck’s ‘Dean Town’ HERE!
4-12-20 New endorser for Eich amplification!
Proud to announce that Rosan is officially endorsed by @eichamps and received her CUSTOM designed Eich amps for new adventures. These little red monsters are going to blow us away!
14-10-20 Bass player for Abbey Hoes
As soon as we can start playing again, Rosan will start working with Abbey Hoes as bass player for her band. Great things are coming!
8-10-20 New endorser for Sandberg and a visit to the family in Germany!
Rosan is proud to be Sandberg’s new endorser and she has been officially introduced to the Sandberg family by Holger.
03-08-20 Nice collabs coming up!
Recently there have been new collaborations with amazing musicians. In this video Rosan and Sophie Anglionin are jamming on ‘Kadipo’; a song Rosan wrote in Africa
28-05-20 New bass video launched on Rosan’s Bass World!
Today Rosan has launched a brand new bass video for Rosan’s Bass World on Youtube! She made a new bass arrangement for Charlie Puth – BOY and added some licks at the end. If you wanna try you can download the backing track 😉
► Grab your FREE Sheets/TABS and Backing Tracks HERE!
27-03-20 Rosan’s Youtube Bass Channel
Next week Rosan will launch her own bass channel on Youtube to share the greatest bass lines, tips and tricks with the rest of the world!
20-03-20 Just confirmed // Marco Borsato Tribute
Rosan is proud to announce that she will be the bassist of this Marco Borsato tribute. With musicians who have played with the greatest artists in the Netherlands up to the band of Stevie Wonder she will play the Premiere on September, 26 2020.
Buy your tickets HERE
JAMundo may have been paused for a while but a lot is happening behind the scenes, we are becoming a foundation and special events are coming up. At the same time there is also sad news. Our loyal host Dra ended up in a sad situation now that his mother is seriously ill in Mali. We are going to help him to travel to his motherland, are you helping?
After three incredible years with lots of jam sessions and connections we made on stage, we are forced to temporarily pause this world oriented concept of JAMundo. Unfortunately, the evenings of JAMundo are not cost-effective for the hospitality industry in the heart of Groningen.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to continue these evenings without the support of the municipality funding. We are currently working behind close doors with the crew members of JAMundo and those involved to re-establish this concept in a different/better and improved way.
01-01-2020 Rosan’s elevator pitch for JAMundo
Rosan tells about JAMundo and why you should experience this.
11-11-2019 JAMundo in Martiniplaza Groningen
In collaboration with a group of artists Rosan and business partner Pablo ter Borg organized a performance for JAMundo at the Cultural Award Ceremonies of Groningen. A collaboration of different cultures sharing the stages for a free jam!
14-08-20 In live broadcast at local radiostation RTV Noord
09-08-2019 Rosan starts trip back to Holland
Rosan is traveling back to Holland after her music journey through Peru to discover the music traditions and performing her new songs.
Curious what happened in the past weeks? Check her blog HERE!
07-09-2018 NEW project just started
Jamundo jamsession @ de drie gezusters groningen
As Rosan is part of the organization Jamundo together with Pablo ter Borg they have found a new location for the returning jamsessions! Grand Café De Drie Gezusters in Groningen proudly confirmed to provide Jamundo for a location. In this collaboration the jamsession will be organized two times a month on Fridays. The Jamundo-agenda is to be found on the Jamundo-page in ‘projects’. The first edition, known as the new try-out, happened to be a great succes! So stay tuned!
04-08-2018 Live @ TARIBUSH KUNA FESTIVAL 27th july
03-01-2018 happy new year
official aftermovie now released
01-10-2017 Artwork for album ‘An african tale’ RELAESED. Order the album HERE!
// TOUR october 2017 //
Promotional video for Rosan Brings Africa
With only 2 people we built up the ‘Rosan Brings Africa’-tour. From now on we’ll stand strong with a crew consisting of 9 people! With this team we’ll make the tour a big experience.
Let us introduce the RBA-CREW to you:
30-08-2017 NEW CONCERT confirmed!
Restaurant/theater Le Brocope in Oldeberkoop is added to the tour on sunday 29-10-2017. This is a special arrangement. Before we’ll play the concert Rosan and her African bandmembers will give a workshop about African music. It’s possible to have a diner at the restaurant of Le Brocope in the meantime before the concert starts!
04-08-2017 New Orleans brings good news!
New show added to the tour! Jazzcafe New Orleans (Groningen) confirmed to be part of the Rosan brings Africa NL Tour 2017. In New Orleans we’ll play in an intimate setting inroducing the tour. This means that we’ll start and complete the tour in Rosan’s hometown; Groningen!
Check the tour dates and come dance with us!